Today is a day that has been six years in the making! WRECK IT RALPH 2: RALPH BREAKS THE INTERNET opens in theaters! I was invited to attend an early media screening and can safely give you my short review – I LOVED IT!
I can give you more details but first, can we talk about how much I loved the original Wreck It Ralph for just a second? You guys know I love my princess movies but Wreck It Ralph (and also Big Hero 6) were so refreshing to me because they weren’t the typical princess story. I don’t want to label movies as “for girls” or “for boys” but let’s face it – the princess movies are mostly for girls. Nothing wrong with that, but I love when Disney’s animated movies step outside the box and try to appeal to all genders and all ages. After The Princess and the Frog and Tangled, I felt Wreck It Ralph was a breath of fresh air. A completely unique and original story with two unlikely heroes. Plus, my husband has no interest in the princess movies but he enjoyed Wreck It Ralph, so it’s always nice when the two of us love the same Disney movie.
In RALPH BREAKS THE INTERNET, video-game bad guy Ralph (voice of John C. Reilly) and best friend Vanellope von Schweetz (voice of Sarah Silverman) leave the comforts of Litwak’s arcade in an attempt to save her game, Sugar Rush. Their quest takes them to the vast, uncharted world of the internet where they rely on the citizens of the internet — the Netizens — to help navigate their way. Lending a virtual hand are Yesss (voice of Taraji P. Henson), the head algorithm and the heart and soul of the trend-making site “BuzzzTube,” and Shank (voice of Gal Gadot), a tough-as-nails driver from a gritty online auto-racing game called Slaughter Race, a place Vanellope wholeheartedly embraces — so much so that Ralph worries he may lose the only friend he’s ever had.
First I want to address what everyone wants to know: Yes, the princess scene is awesome. The final version is slightly different from what was shown at D23 Expo but still really, really funny. It’s not much longer than what you’ve already seen but there are some additional strong laughs involving the princesses, and they show up again later in the movie.
But the famous princess scene is just one of many hilarious moments in this movie.
If you’ve read my past articles about the making of Ralph Breaks the Internet, then you know the filmmakers had the enormous task of making the internet a tangible space. I feel they did an excellent job with this, and I like to think I’m pretty darn familiar with the internet. I loved how they created a literal internet world – a planet where Netizens (internet users represented as avatars) travel from building to building – or website to website – in little flying vehicles.
I also loved the new character, Yesss – a personified algorithm who decides what’s cool and what’s not. And she wears a coat made out of fiber optics. What’s not to love?!?! We are also introduced to Shank, who drives a car in the video game Slaughter Race … pretty much the opposite of Candy Crush. Loved seeing these two new STRONG female characters introduced into this universe. I’m here for it!
And the internet is sooo pretty. The animation in these movies just gets better and better! When Ralph and Vanellope first enter the world of the Internet, try to look at the background and appreciate the attention to detail. It’s just so impressive!
I’ll be honest, I was a little worried when I heard Disney was making a movie that involves the internet. Things that are popular on the internet have a pretty short shelf life. I was concerned this movie would feel outdated very quickly, but I don’t think that’s going to happen. Ralph’s brush with internet fame is big plot point but is a small part of the movie as far as screen time goes. And who knows, maybe the floss dance and unboxing videos will never go out of style? Time will tell!
Above all, this is a movie about friendships growing and changing, and about finding your place in the great big world. It’s also about finding validation within yourself instead of seeking it from strangers on the internet, or placing your self-worth in someone else’s hands. I think this is a movie teens will love, and should see before they go off into the world on their own. But it’s a movie the whole family will enjoy. There’s something for everyone here!
Oh, and stay tuned during the credits for TWO bonus scenes. Yes, sit through the ENTIRE credits. You won’t be disappointed!
Ralph Breaks the Internet opens in theaters TODAY and is rated PG.