Remember waaaaaaay back in February when I posted I was participating in Gala Darling‘s Radical Self Love List of 100 Things I Love About Myself? And then in March I admitted I only had 45 things on my Love List so I was extending the project through the end of March?
Yeah, I forgot all about it, too.
But I was cleaning up my desk and came across my notebook where I kept my list, and since I am a lady of my word, here is my list, albeit a month later than promised. I didn’t quite make it to 100, but 65 is a good start.
Maybe someday I’ll get there.
I hope this inspires you to make your own list! We are often too tough on ourselves and some small, simple affirmations can go a long way for our self esteem. <3
Things I Love About Myself
- I am a good friend, sometimes to a fault.
- My fingernails. They are strong and thick and I have mastered the fine art of fingernail painting.
- I love opportunities to be generous.
- I have been told I am naive sometimes, which, I dunno, isn’t always a bad thing.
- I have great calves.
- I graduated from college!
- In 30+ years, my likes and dislikes haven’t changed all that much. I remain true to myself.
- I can carry a tune, mostly.
- I am a good cat mommy.
- Once I set my mind on something, I see it through. I hate giving up.
- I know how to take care of myself. That may sound silly but I’ve found not a lot of women can function independently.
- I am smart with money. I have never carried debt beyond my car loans. My parents taught me well.
- I somehow lucked out with the world’s greatest cat.
- I somehow landed a great partner to share my life with.
- I’m not a “yes person.” I stand up for what I think is right/best.
- I have never thought of myself as a creative person, but I’m taking great strides to improve that.
- I have really great taste in television programs.
- I appreciate grammar and punctuation (although I realize I am far from perfect).
- In high school, everyone called me “unique.” It drove me nuts because I was desperate to fit in, but I’m proud of it now.
- I make a mean turkey pumpkin three bean chili.
- I love surprising people (but I HATE being surprised).
- I’m a total perfectionist but I’m trying to learn to let the little things go.
- I’m somewhat tech saavy … not as great as I used to be.
- I believe in the power of pixie dust.
- I’ve done through 17 months of wedding planning without driving myself or anyone else completely insane (to the best of my knowledge).
- I am a go-getter.
- I maintain a clean, tidy apartment, or I try my best, anyway.
- I love that I make my fiance laugh.
- I kick ass at Dr. Mario. No one can beat me.
- I have a great long term memory (short term, not so much).
- I had a lot of fun in my 20s but I think my 30s will be even better.
- I am not ashamed of my life-long glitter obsession.
- I am not afraid to reinvent myself if I have to (note this is different from changing myself).
- I don’t know a lot about cars but I know enough to keep myself from getting completely ripped off at repair shops.
- Same goes for mortgages and home purchasing.
- I’ve never been one to get swept up with trends. I like what I like.
- I’m pretty flexible (I’m referring to yoga).
- I taught myself basic HTML in the mid-1990s, which has come in VERY handy over the years.
- I am becoming braver as I get older.
- I try my best to be honest and not make false promises, even if it means I need to hurt someone’s feelings.
- I love my curves! Being skinny looks dreadfully boring.
- I love that I can sometimes fit into kid’s sized shirts and shoes – it saves me a lot of money on clothes.
- I love that I was born and raised in Southern California, even though it means I am terribly spoiled.
- I was scared to wear contacts but I overcame it.
- I love my straight teeth (thanks for the braces even though I hated them, Mom and Dad!)
- I hate change but I think I’m learning to adapt better as I get older.
- Fear of failure is what drives my success in anything I do.
- I love being a fake redhead.
- I have very light body hair. It’s awesome. I only have to shave my legs once a week.
- I have never needed a map to navigate Disneyland. I have had the layout memorized since before I can remember.
- I have never outgrown my love of Sanrio products.
- I am not one of those girls that take forever to get ready in the morning.
- I love NASCAR and I don’t care what anyone says about that.
- Some people think I have it all together. I really don’t but I’m glad I give off that vibe.
- I don’t have a lower back tattoo, or any tattoos I regret for that matter (but I really want to get one, someday).
- I have never been involved in a really bad car accident. I consider myself a safe driver.
- I love shoes but my collection is restrained, because I don’t want to be one of those girls who wakes up one day and realizes they have spend $10,000 on shoes.
- Ditto for handbags.
- I’m so great with Google. I can find almost anything.
- I love giving my opinion, whether asked for it or not.
- I am generally a forgiving person.
- I can recognize what’s best for me.
- I love walking. I try to go on a walk everyday – for your health!
- I use those reusable grocery bags.
- My main goal in life is to end each day knowing I did the best I could, made the most of my day, and made someone smile.