I love mistletoe but I don’t love how you have to buy it fresh year after year. Inspired by an example I saw in HGTV magazine, I decided to try making my own mistletoe out of felt! The best part is, it’s safe for pets and lasts year after year after year! Of course I saw an opportunity to put a Disney spin on it. Can you spot the Hidden Mickeys?
Hidden Mickey Mistletoe
Green felt
Green pipe cleaners (at least 2)
Hot glue gun & glue
White craft pom poms. Best if you can get two different sizes, but one size will work just fine.
Green yarn
Step 1 – Cut out 18 to 24 leaf shapes from the green felt. The leaf part should be about the size of your finger tip, and the stem about an inch long.
To make things easier, I cut more of a spade shape first, then rounded the leaf.
Step 2 – Attach two leaves to the edge of a pipe cleaner using the hot glue gun. There should be one leaf on each side. Cut the pipe cleaner leaving about an inch above the leaves. Repeat.
Step 3 – Cover the stems of the leaves with the green yarn to make it look a little nicer. Secure with a small dab of glue.
Step 4 – Use yarn to attach the two sets of leaves to a longer pipe cleaner.
Step 5 – Glue two more leaves to the pipe cleaner in the same manner. The spacing is up to you; for this example I spaced them really close together but I varied the spacing on each of the three sprigs I made. Then wrap the leave stems with yarn like before.
Step 6 – Repeat Step 5 one or two times. So you should have a total of 6 or 8 leaves per sprig. Once you’re done with your leaves, cut the pipe cleaner about 4 inches above the leaves.
At this point, repeat Steps 2-6 as many times as you desire …. I made a total of three sprigs. When you’re done, use some yarn to tie them all together to hold them in place.
Step 7 – This is the really fun part! Time to make some Mickeys! Use just a dab of hot glue to glue the two smaller white puff balls to the larger puff ball to make a Mickey silhouette. Repeat 2 or 3 times.
Step 8 – Glue your Mickey berries to the mistletoe. If you look at a picture of mistletoe, the berries are towards the top of the sprig, so I glued mine here. Once you have your hidden Mickeys in place, glue a few more smaller singular white poof balls onto the sprigs.
Step 9 – Where the yarn is holding all the sprigs together, use a piece of decorative ribbon to create a bow to cover the yarn. Use another price of ribbon to create a loop for hanging.
And you’re done! Hang your mistletoe above a doorway and pucker up!